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Saturday, April 7, 2012

HPC at Society of Hospital Medicine 2012 Conference

Hospital Procedures Consultants made a successful showing at The Society of Hospital Medicine 2012 conference in San Diego between April 2-4.  Our booth offered clinicians free training in ultrasound-guided central line placement which was a smashing success.  There was tremendous interest by many hospitalists in HPC’s Hospitalist and Emergency Procedures CME courses and in our new HPC procedural reference cards.  In addition, HPC started a good dialogue with a number of organizations who wanted further procedural training for their hospitalists. 

Joe Esherick teaching a hospitalist physician how to perform an 
ultrasound-guided internal jugular line using the Out-of-Plane technique

Joe Esherick teaching a hospitalist physician how to perform an 
ultrasound-guided internal jugular line using the In-Plane technique

During the conference, I had the privilege of meeting with a number of leaders in Hospital Medicine.  But, the highlight of the conference for me was the opportunity to chat with several of the leaders of hospital procedural education including Drs. Sally Wang, Bradley Rosen, Diane Sliwka, and Mark Ault.  It was great to share ideas about hospital procedural education with these educators.  We all agreed that there is a huge demand for such procedural training at all levels around the country: in medical school, residency, and post-residency.  I was thrilled to pick the brains of these great educators who all share the same passion for procedural training that I have.

Discussing procedural education with Bradley Rosen (second from left), 
Sally Wang (second from right), and Diane Sliwka (far right)

Discussing procedural education with Sally Wang (left), 
Bradley Rosen (second from right), and Mark Ault (far right)

I certainly hope to continue collaborating with this group in the shared effort that we optimize hospital procedural education for all hospital-based providers!


Joe Esherick, MD, FAAFP
Hospital Procedures Consultants


  1. Beautifully written.Nice sharing the conversations too. It gives an idea about the thoughts of Hospital Medicine . Thanks. Keep posting.

    1. Truly awesome post! It is really very interesting and informative. Thanks for posting this.

  2. Great Blog!! That was amazing. Your thought processing is wonderful. The way you tell the thing is awesome.

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